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A real estate agent's day is filled with showing houses, gathering marketing materials, posting advertising, following up with prospects, as well as spending many more hours on the phone. The average real estate agent makes thousands of calls a year following some leads that never even pan out. This can cost time and money. Yet, being available to speak live with your clients can mean the difference between gaining a buyer or losing them to the next agent in the yellow pages. With all of these jobs and responsibilities falling on the shoulders of the real estate agent, any tool that can help them alleviate some of the time and money they spend is an investment worth making.
Call capture systems are becoming the preferable choice of leading real estate and mortgage professionals in the country because they allow them to be out and about showing properties and not tied up on the phone. Yet at the same time, it allows agents to capture the necessary information to make a sale later. A typical call capture session would go as follows: a potential client sees an advertisement with the call capture number on a business card, billboard, flier or sign rider and if interested, they will call it.
They are then greeted with a pre-recorded message from a real estate agent with options to listen to several other pre-recorded details about available properties or other real estate information. At the end of the personalized recording, there could be an option to either speak to an agent directly by transferring the call, or to leave a message for the real estate agent. If they decide to transfer to an agent, then they have already shown interest in what the agent has to offer. This type of call is better than a "cold call" in which the client's interests have yet to be determined.
An agent can use call capture features in this way to be sure there is interest in a property or service provided by the agency and can proceed from there. The conversation will become streamlined, quickly covering the details of the property or service required, and really getting to know what the client is looking for. If they decide to leave a message instead, or even if they simply hang up, the client's number and what extension or property they were calling on is saved through the call capture system. An agent can then call them back for a follow-up.
When the return call is placed, a real estate agent can be ready not only to answer the questions which were left on the call capture message, but can also be prepared with answers for further questions the client may have. This makes customers feel like they are being listened to, and this has always been a basis for making sales. Clients who feel that their agent values them by answering their questions directly and being quick to respond to their calls are far more likely to use the agent for purchasing or selling a home, and are more likely to return again in the future.
There are several different call capture features that help enhance the systems and in turn help agents make more sales. With instant notification when someone calls the call capture line, the agent can be informed of every lead in real time. Studies show that the majority of people end up working with the first real estate agent they speak with so being able to act quickly can mean the difference between getting a new client or losing them to the next agent in line. Secondly, mirrored ad tracking extensions allow agents to advertise the same property in multiple places quickly and easily. This way they can streamline their advertising by weeding out ads that don't bring in the leads.
No matter the home or service being sold, and no matter the price involved, it is imperative that call capture be pared with top-notch client-focused interaction to help boost up sales. Call capture hot lines are being used every day by thousands of top real estate, mortgage, and financial agents and professionals all over the country to give them more influence in the market, more clientele, and to improve their earnings for themselves, their business, and their families. Click to learn more about using a call capture system in your real estate business. Or for a 15 Day Free Trial visit, a leading provider of real estate call capture systems today.
1 comment:
Hey guys,
I'm new here.
Btw, I happen to be a [url= ]lawyer[/url], too. :D
Hopefully I can contribute here!
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